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20th - 27th October 2019, Festenburg, Germany

Our Sponsors

TYPO3 Association

Become a Sponsor

Initiatives are the next-generation way of developing TYPO3. Initiatives are working to bring a dashboard, PWA abilities, faster site-building and even more SEO capabilities to TYPO3.

Our sponsor packages help you by:

  • Creating Brand Awareness
  • Supporting the Community
  • Positioning your brand as a thought leader within the community
  • Helping to bring your ideas to life
  • And more...!

Initiative Sponsor

Sponsor a specific initiative - for example dashboard, form framework or PWA. While the money will be used for general financing of the event, you will be named as sponsor for the initiative on the website and in communication by that initiative for the following three months (incl. published news articles on for example).


  • Mention and back-link on this website as well as in general communication about the event (News and Social Media)
  • Mention and back-link on the initiative page on and inclusion in initiative communication for at least three months
  • Named sponsor for a specific area

Welcome Event Sponsor

Become a welcome-event sponsor and get named as the one making our welcome party possible. You name will be included in all communication about the party and appear on this website.




  • Info material of your company on the welcome event
  • Banner / Flag in the event area
  • Inclusion in all welcome event communication
  • Mention and back-link on this website as well as in general communication about the event

Participant Sponsor

Sponsor a single participant - with this package you will fully sponsor one participant. Your name (and link) will be communicatied on this website and in general communication.




  • Mention and back-link on this website as well as in general communication about the event (News and Social Media)

Organized by