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20th - 27th October 2019, Festenburg, Germany

Frequently Asked Questions


Every member of an active TYPO3 initiative can apply (of course coordinating with her/his other team members). In addition every framework or component merger is invited.

We are changing the format of the User Experience Week into more focussed and smaller UX Sprints organised by the project UX lead, to ensure more integration with the current development schedule and better coordination between our UX experts. If you are interested in working on UX topics, see below.

Benjamin Kott is our UX lead - get in contact with him (via Slack, Twitter, Email) to explore how you can help.

All in all there are 27 spots available, with 5 reserved for organisors. If there are more applications than spots, we will select based on creating collaborative teams at the event.

If you want to take part, you have to be an active member of an initiative. Take a look at existing initiatives whether there is one where you would be able to contribute and join in. If there is no fitting initiative, you can start a new one. You need to be visibly active in an initiative until July 2019 to be eligible to apply.

For Participants

The event is free for participants. However as the money not gathered via sponsoring is taken from the general development budget, ask your employer (if one exists) to sponsor you. If that's not possible, don't worry, we've got you.

Yes. All participants will get their own room, except for those explicitly requesting a double.

Don't worry - pick-up services from the bus or train station will be available as well as participants with cars to get around during the week if necessary. If you need a pick-up, add a comment to your application.

If you are part of an active initiative get in touch with Susi (via Slack; @Susi) to get an access code.

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