We proudly present... the participants:

Adam Marcinowski
PWA Initiative
My name is Adam (from Poland), I have been working as frontend-eveloper since over 10 years. I’m involved in TYPO3 Progressive Web Apps Initiative. I really like this topic and I hope we push it forward during T3INIT19. Besides, I like boardsports and good vibe.

Alexander Schnitzler
Extbase Merger
Alexander first got in contact with TYPO3 in 2007 and quickly became interested in core development. He was part of the Extbase Team in the years around 2012 until the team died due to lack of members.
In 2018 he became passionate about Extbase again, gained a vision and became component merger in February 2019.
He is working as a TYPO3 freelancer for a variety of agencies, most of them being located in the Düsseldorf-Cologne area.
In his spare time he is doing gardening, brewing and playing video games.

Andreas Fernandez
Core Merger
In 2008, Andreas had his first contact with TYPO3 in his apprenticeship, starting with simple extension development. Later, he was involved in designing and maintaining complex setups. In 2013 - 2015, he worked with Oracle databases, which resulted in some merged core patches, paving the path for further work in TYPO3's core. In 2015, when Andreas participated his first T3UXW, he became part of the Core team.
Currently, Andreas is employed at TYPO3 GmbH in Düsseldorf where he's involved developing business solutions, improving the TYPO3 Core and its ecosystem and petting the office dog.

Anja Leichsenring
Core Merger
After finishing her degree in applied informatics, Anja first dug into TYPO3 in 2007 and was working as a freelancer until 2016. She then joined the awesome developer team at TYPO3 GmbH.
In her spare time Anja is an active TYPO3 core contributior, prepares code sprints, rides fast motorcycles and plays acoustic guitar.

Annett Jähnichen
Structured Content Initiative
Annett started working with TYPO3 in 2010 for the digital agency webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH in Dresden. Since then she works regularly on medium and large TYPO3 projects as an integrator and extension developer. But she is also familiar with other CMS.
In June 2019 she became part of the TYPO3 Structured Content Initiative, whoose plan it is to improve the UX for TYPO3 editors and to provide a way to maintain content hierarchies. The first concepts should be drawn up as soon as possible and therefore the Initiative Week should be used extensively.
Far away from work, she enjoys watching movies and series in her spare time. She also regularly plays volleyball as well as digital and analog games.

Benjamin Kott
UX Lead
Benjamin is Developer Advocate at TYPO3 and worked in the past on projects based on TYPO3 from mid- to enterprise size. Since 2014 his Bootstrap Package is used as the codebase for the official TYPO3 Introduction Package with the goal to provide an extensive best practice example on how to create websites efficiently with TYPO3.

Daniel Goerz
Core Merger
Daniel made first contact with TYPO3 in 2013. It was love on first sight.
While working on small and enterprise level TYPO3 projects as a developer Daniel became an active contributor to the TYPO3 core during the development of version 7. Since 2018 he is working for B13 and became a framework merger a few month later.
Besides coding, he also writes the TYPO3 developer blog usetypo3.com.
Daniel lives in Berlin and in his free time he likes to play boardgames, drink whisky, enjoy the city and will hopefully soon help build an escape room.

Daniel Siepmann
Documentation Team
Daniel started to work with TYPO3 back in 2009. Since then he worked non stop with TYPO3 on different levels, from pure Backend developer to integrator and editor.
Nowadays he is part of TYPO3 Documentation team and member of TYPO3 Education Committee. His job is to improve documentation and surrounding environment to make contributions easier.
He founded Codappix GmbH together with some friends in 2018. Codappix is focused on TYPO3 support and general Development.

Frank Nägler
Core Merger
Frank loves solving hard problems with code, enjoys building cool stuff and works as a senior developer for the TYPO3 GmbH. He's been involved in developing the TYPO3 CMS core since October 2014 and has been programming professionally since 2000. When he first started with TYPO3, version 3.7 was still in place.
In his spare time, he enjoys bowling in the local professional league and has also been an active member of the German Red Cross (GRC) for more than 25 years.

Kevin Appelt
SEO Initiative
Kevin has been working with TYPO3 since 2013 and has been a regular participant in the TYPO3 Usergroup in Hamburg since 2015, where he also completed his first core contribution in 2016.
He mainly works as a TYPO3 integrator.
Since 2018 he is the owner of all four TYPO3 certifications. He is also a Bronze Member of the TYPO3 Association.
In his spare time he travels a lot with his camera.

Kay Strobach
OnSite Admin
Kay is a freelancer as WebDeveloper since over 10 years.
During the last 10 years he did a lot of projects with TYPO3 especially in the educational sector.
One of the most interesting projects was the SBS SchulCMS founded in 2005. This project allows schools to start their own site easily with a preconfigured and restricted environment. During the project he spent a lot of time developing tools around templavoila and templavoila_framework, which now results in big knowledge which is great for developing TYPO3 Themes based on the new Twitter Bootstrap Base Package.

Lidia Demin
Structured Content Initiative
Lidia first came in contact with TYPO3 as a frontend developer in 2014. Step by step she got in deeper and became an integrator and extension developer for medium and large TYPO3 projects while working for the digital agency webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH in Dresden since 2015.
She loves improving and modernizing stuff which is why she became part of the TYPO3 Structured Content Initiative in June 2019. Her main interest is directed to content element creation closely followed by editing UX for both TYPO3 editors and integrators. Therefore participating in the Initiative Week is a big chance to work on first concepts and exchange experiences on these topics.
For relaxation Lidia enjoys both pc gaming and board games as well as movies with friends.

Łukasz Uznański
PWA Initiative

Manuel Selbach
Persistence Initiative
Back in the days this guy started to get the first impressions on coding with the Commodore 128. After changing some colors of the terminal, he was infected. In 2010 he started using TYPO3 on a professional basis in the agency market for different sized customers. First, in all areas of TYPO3 (as integrator, frontend and backend development), later he concentrated more on backend development. His first contribution to the TYPO3 Core was in 2015.
Today he is improving the database abstraction layer and persistence in TYPO3 Core as a component merger and is team leader of the TYPO3 department at SYZYGY Deutschland GmbH.
In his spare time he loves to skateboard, swim, read books, play the guitar and a lot of other things.

Mathias Schreiber
Jack of all trades
Mathias comes from a background in advertising in the music industry. After venturing into musical instrument wholesale he moved to the advertising side of things in the late 90s.
His first contact with TYPO3 happened in 2001 when he became part of netfielders and was introduced closely to the TYPO3 community. After being an active member in the TYPO3 Association he took some time off community work to come back in 2013 by raising funds for the 6.2 release and later being sponsored as a full-time product owner in late 2014.
In 2016 Mathias got chosen to become CEO of the TYPO3 company in order to further foster the development and visibility of TYPO3 worldwide.
In his few hours off TYPO3 a week he tries to master the guitar while living with his wife and dog in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Michael Telgkamp
Accessibility Initiative
Michael started working with TYPO3 in 2008, in a startup company.
He has a great interest in web accessibility and works at mindscreen GmbH where he develops accessible websites and tests websites for their accessibility. Additionally he gives accessibility trainings and speaks on this topic at barcamps.
In his spare time he loves to hike with his family and goes inline skating as often as possible.

Oliver Hader
Persistence Initiative, Core Merger
Oliver started to work with TYPO3 in 2005 and was fascinated by the product and its universe. He soon started to get involved into community aspects and implemented "Inline Relational Record Editing (IRRE)" in 2006 - which as well has been the title of his diploma thesis at the University of Applied Sciences Hof (Germany). Based on that commitment, he was invited to join the TYPO3 Core Development Team in 2007.
Currently he is working as a freelance software engineer and is researching on advanced web technology topics in general and for TYPO3 in particular.
In his spare time, Oliver loves to go cycling cross-country in the uplands around Hof (Germany) in northern Bavaria - at the region where he's living as well.

Petra Hasenau
Petra is your personal contact for any questions around travelling, accomodation, food and drinks and leisure activities in and around the hotel.
After working as an industrial manager and logistics specialist for both national and international enterprises and business consultancies, Petra first experienced the world of TYPO3 in 2009. She is the founder and CEO of cybercraft GmbH (and Coders.Care, a project of Cybercraft GmbH), has been a member of the TYPO3 Expert Advisory Board from 2017-2019, and - since 2019 - is board member of the TYPO3 Association.
She was fascinated from the start. Since then she's been attending as many community events as possible - to spread the word and because, as she puts it: “the TYPO3 Community rocks!”

Rachel Foucard
Structured Content Initiative
Rachel fell in love with TYPO3 in 2005. She co-created her own agency a few years later in order to fully live this passion.
Since then she has continued to convert her clients and evangelize others. Very soon, she was convinced that usability is a key factor to the adhesion of this fantastic CMS.
Active member of the French TYPO3 committee since its creation, she became the head of this team three years ago.

Richard Haeser
SEO / Dashboard Initiative
8 years ago Richard started to work with TYPO3 and got infected by the “TYPO3-virus”. In 2015 Richard switched from TYPO3 agency and is working for MaxServ in the Netherlands now. Mainly working as a TYPO3 developer and consultant for large enterprises and universities. Since the cooperation between MaxServ and Yoast since 2016, Richard specialised in search engine optimisation for TYPO3 and is the main contributor to the Yoast SEO for TYPO3 plugin and is speaking on several TYPO3 events about SEO and the possibilities within TYPO3.
Besides working on client projects and opensource extensions, Richard likes to contribute to the TYPO3 community on several ways, for example by organising TYPO3 Bootup Days and Code-sprints. And if there is time left: core contributions. Besides his work and hobby TYPO3, he likes to spent time with his wife and 2 kids and tries to lose some weight by going to the gym several times a week. But that’s hard when you do have another hobby: BBQ….

Susi Moog
Co-Organizer, Core Merger
Susanne has been part of the TYPO3 project for the last ten years. Originally studying media economics she quickly realized that programming was more than a hobby and started working in IT.
She works at TYPO3 GmbH as CTO and developer.
In her free time she loves reading, dancing, drawing, learning and doing code katas.

Sybille Peters
Documentation Team
Sybille became a member of the Documentation Team in 2018. Her goal is to make TYPO3 easier to learn and use for everyone, but her main focus currently are new people coming to TYPO3.She has been submitting a number of patches to third party extensions, the TYPO3 core and the documentation and is now convinced that core and documentation contribution are a great combination. Sybille works at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg as a developer and TYPO3 administrator. In her spare time, she likes to sing, visit the theater, cinema, slam poetry and also writing short stories.

Tymoteusz Motylewski
PWA Initiative
Tymoteusz is co-founder and CTO of Macopedia, an agile web agency that provides highly performant TYPO3 CMS solutions and omnichannel e-commerce for enterprises across the globe. He’s an open source enthusiast and is actively involved in the TYPO3 Core development. Driven by the urge for innovation, he engages in community projects and advances digital products like Progressive Web Applications (PWA) for TYPO3 and Magento. He is also a TYPO3 PWA Initiative leader.