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20th - 27th October 2019, Festenburg, Germany

Initiative Members, join now!

The TYPO3 Initiative week is the event for members of active TYPO3 initiatives to get together, developing next level solutions, exchange ideas and have a good time.

Taking place in a remote location cut-off from daily business participants can concentrate on their tasks in a unique way.

Are you part of an active and ongoing TYPO3 Initiative? Get in touch with Susi (Slack: @susi) to get your registration access code.

Looking for Sponsors

Initiatives are the next-generation way of developing TYPO3. Initiatives are working to bring a dashboard, PWA abilities, faster site-building and even more SEO capabilities to TYPO3.

Our sponsor packages help you by:

  • Creating Brand Awareness
  • Supporting the Community
  • Positioning your brand as a thought leader within the community
  • Helping to bring your ideas to life
  • And more...!

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